of Qualifications
years of experience in programming, system development and system
administration. Extensive UNIX background. Comprehensiveknowledge of personal computer software, hardware and peripherals.
Well-versed in delivering technical presentations. Outstanding
analytical skills, Seasoned Internet user.
Pascal, Empress 4GL, SQL, Embedded SQL, FORTRAN, Perl, BASIC
workstayion, MS DOS, MS Windows, Interactive 386
UNIX, Macintosh, VAX
Programmer/Analyst, New WorldSystem, Whitehall, NY
(July 1993-current)
- Enhance and support a relational database
application used by the U.S. Government.
- Handled software develoment,
database administration, system administration, future requirements
planning, PC hardware/software support, user support and daily operations.
- Implemented major improvements in automation of
administrative and operational procedures, including distributed-database
updates and data integrity checks, data transmission processes, managerial
status reports and data backup, which allows programmers more time to work
on upgrade and development tasks.
- reduced clients operating and
maintenance costs by porting code from mainframe to code on microcomputer
- Worked with Interactive UNIX and a variety of
other languages and platforms to complete project.
Programmer/Designer, Lincoln
Research Center,
Sun City, FL
(May 1988-July 1993)
- Investigated new fuselage design techniques for
advanced aircraft design using computational fluid dynamics and
unstructured-mesh computer modeling of aircraft geometries.
- Conducted a space
vehicle packaging study using specialized CAD software and computational hypersonicaerodynamic models.
- Worked as part of a research team studying
turboprop configurations in a low-speed wind tunnel, which led to improved
aircraft design and performance.
- Upgraded and corrected a sonic-boom prediction
program, which provided more accurate measurements and information.
in Aeronautics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
May 1988, Cum Laude
is an example.
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